Yesterday, 12 december 2016 was the long expected opening of the Museum of Malaga in the ancient Palace of Customs.
After nearly 20 years waiting finally the exquisite collection of fine arts and archeology of Malaga is on exhibition again for the public.
The palace contains over 17.000 pieces of which about 2.700 will be on exhibition. It comprises archeologal objects from prehistory until the late eighties of the XXth century.
The superb neoclassical building of the Customs, with its palm trees poetically inclined towards the sun, forms a scenic triangle that crosses the most recognizable landmarks of the city, with the Alcazaba and the Cathedral as vertices. Perhaps for this reason it has been defended by the Malagueños, who not only perceive the imposing architecture, but also identify it as one of the few immutable corners of the capital.
Also, its old function, the one of building of customs, retrotrae to the neighbors to century XIX. It was then that the province reverberated throughout Europe as a thriving industrial center, when the alleys were changed by avenues and the more media fortunes of Malaga history - the Loring, the Larios, the Heredia - were amassed. This was the reason that it was necessary to build a palace on the seashore to administer prosperous commerce with the Americas.
Precisely at that time flourished in the city the plastic arts thanks to authors like Jose Gartner, Emilio Ocón, Bernardo Ferrándiz, Jose Denis Belgrano, Fernando Labrada, Antonio Muñoz Degrain, Jose Moreno Carbonero, Jose Nogales or Enrique Simonet.. These artist now have a privileged space in the new gallery. In this way, the collection of the Museum of Malaga links almost symbiotically with the building that contains it, with that time in which the waves caressed the stairs of the Customs.
Opening times:
The Museum of Malaga will be open from Tuesday till Saturday, every day from 9:00 till 20:00, and on Sunday from 9:00 till 15:30.
The entrance fee is free for European citizens.
And the patio on the main floor will be open for everybody.
For visitors from outside the EU the entrance fee is 1,50€.